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来源:Chemistry &biology 发布者:管理员 时间:2015/1/27 14:11:00


近日,国际化学与生物学杂志chemistry&biology发表了来自斯坦福大学医学院Ravindra Majeti研究小组的一项最新研究成果,他们发现一种荧光淬灭探针(aABP)能够特异性靶向在肠道发育不良中高表达的半胱氨酸蛋白酶,对指示肠道肿瘤具有非常高的敏感性和特异性。
Detection of Intestinal Cancer by Local, Topical Application of a Quenched Fluorescence Probe for Cysteine Cathepsins
Ehud Segal, Tyler R. Prestwood, Wouter A. van der Linden, Yaron Carmi, Nupur Bhattacharya, Nimali Withana, Martijn Verdoes,Aida Habtezion, Edgar G. Engleman, Matthew Bogyo
Early detection of colonic polyps can prevent up to 90% of colorectal cancer deaths. Conventional colonoscopy readily detects the majority of premalignant lesions, which exhibit raised morphology. However, lesions that are flat and depressed are often undetected using this method. Therefore, there is a need for molecular-based contrast agents to improve detection rates over conventional colonoscopy. We evaluated a quenched fluorescent activity-based probe (qABP; BMV109) that targets multiple cysteine cathepsins that are overexpressed in intestinal dysplasia in a genetic model of spontaneous intestinal polyp formation and in a chemically induced model of colorectal carcinoma. We found that the qABP selectively targets cysteine cathepsins, resulting in high sensitivity and specificity for intestinal tumors in mice and humans. Additionally, the qABP can be administered by either intravenous injection or by local delivery to the colon, making it a highly valuable tool for improved detection of colorectal lesions using fluorescence-guided colonoscopy.
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