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发布者:杨玲玲 时间:2015/3/9 16:42:00

2015年3月5日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --英国《金融时报(FT)》近日报道,强生(JNJ)即将与合作伙伴美国抗癌药商Pharmacyclics达成收购协议。如果属实,这将是全球最大医疗保健公司强生在一家生物制药公司押上的最大赌注,同时也将成为强生自2011年以213亿美元巨资收购瑞士医疗器械公司辛迪斯(Synthes)以来最大的一笔收购交易。





英文原文:J&J nearing deal to buy Pharmacyclics

Johnson & Johnson is nearing a deal to acquire US cancer drugmaker Pharmacyclics in what would be the biggest bet on a biopharmaceutical company by the world's largest maker of healthcare products.

According to people familiar with the matter, a bid from J&J is expected to value Pharmacyclics at a premium to its current $17bn market capitalisation and could be agreed in the coming days. These people warned that the talks have not been finalised and may still fall apart, report Arash Massoudi, Neil Hume, David Crow and James Fontanella-Khan.

Shares in Pharmacyclics were up about 7 per cent in US trading on Wednesday,

A deal would follow years of extensive collaboration between New Jersey-based J&J and California-based Pharmacyclics in developing a drug to treat blood cancer.

The duo won expanded approval from US health regulators in late January for a breakthrough drug called Imbruvica, which helps fight a rare form of cancer that begins in the body's immune system. The transaction would be the biggest for J&J since its struck a deal to acquire specialised surgical device maker Synthes for $21.3bn in 2011.

It also comes as a wave of innovation in developing treatments to rare, orphan or hard to treat diseases is leading to steep competition among large healthcare companies to acquire leading labs that have specific, specialised treatments.

Shares in Pharmacyclics are up 83 per cent from the start of the year, prompted in part by speculation that was weighing interest from suitors such as J&J. The company had a market capitalisation of $17bn on Wednesday, compared with $282bn for J&J.

A deal would be the latest large scale transaction this year in a sector where dealmaking remains extremely active. Since the start of the year, Valeant has acquired gastrointestinal drugmaker Salix for $14.5bn, Pfizer bought medical device maker Hospira for $17bn and the UK's Shire picked up NPS Pharma for $5.2bn.

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