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来源:生物谷 时间:2013/9/6 14:15:00

2013年9月5日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --虽然已经过去了一段时间,由葛兰素史克行贿案引起的医药市场风暴仍未能平息,反而有愈演愈烈的趋势。礼来、赛诺菲等国际医药企业巨头纷纷牵扯其中。现在,一些在中国市场有业务的跨国医疗器械公司也开始对中国政府的反腐败调查感到不安。同时,各大企业也详细研究了葛兰素史克时间的全过程,并和律师商讨对策。


International medical device companies and others doing business in China are becomingly increasingly cautious about the government's broadening antitrust and corruption investigations. Reuters reports that they're bringing in attorneys to make sure their operations comply with China's 5-year-old anti-monopoly law, a measure that officials have used in earnest to investigate GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK), among others, in recent weeks. An executive from a foreign-listed medical devicemaker told Reuters that he has spent weeks visiting all of his company's offices in China to make sure there was no "grey zone" business involving third-party sales agents. Others have added more internal audits to make sure they comply with the rules.
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