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来源:生物谷 时间:2013/10/18 15:06:00

2013年10月17日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --众所周知,美国的众多顶尖名校在生命科学领域有着极其深厚的科研实力。现在,为了满足医疗器械研究的需求,耶鲁大学的研究人员和合约研究机构Genae公司合作在该领域发挥自己的作用开发新的集扫描、数据采集处理于一体的新型设备。在这次合作中,耶鲁大学提供项目设计、实验基础设施以及常规支持等服务,而Genae则负责后期的优化和进一步开发。这种基础科研机构和合约研究公司合作的模式有效利用了双方的资源优势,缩短了项目开发的时间并降低成本。耶鲁大学并不是第一家进行这种合作的大学,杜克大学以及德州理工等都已经建立了类似的合作。


Like many top-tier schools, Yale University has a wealth of expertise and capability in clinical research, and now, citing demand for medical device studies, the Ivy League institution has teamed up with a CRO to land more trial contracts.

The Yale Cardiovascular Research Group (YCRG), the school's on-campus clinical service provider, has teamed up with Belgian CRO Genae. The pair plans to share and subcontract monitoring, regulatory, safety, core laboratory, data management and statistical analysis services for clients, working across all phases of development.

YCRG bills itself as an academic research organization, offering trial design, core lab and regulatory support, among other services. Group Director Alexandra Lansky said partnering with a traditional CRO was the ideal next step for YCRG, as demand for high-quality but cost-effective research continues to grow.

"This unique ARO/CRO collaboration takes advantage of the opportunities of sponsored clinical trials to advance scientific understanding and to promote a broad application of evidence-based medicine that will ultimately benefit patients," Lansky said in a statement. "It combines the need for academic vision and guidance with the need for partners that have an entrepreneurial approach, scalable capabilities and financial backing to invest for the future."

Yale is hardly the first academic institution to lend its know-how to contract research work. Rutgers, West Virginia University and Texas Tech have all launched in-house CROs, and Duke University has thus far found the most success with the model, signing study deals through its well-respected Clinical Research Unit.
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