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重磅!美国Cerner 13亿美元收购西门子医疗IT业务
来源:生物谷 时间:2014/8/6 15:35:00

2014年8月6日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --美国医疗IT厂商Cerner公司8月5日宣布,将以13亿美元收购西门子公司(Siemens)的医疗信息技术(即医疗IT)。双方已计划围绕医疗器械、成像、医疗保健技术达成战略联盟。该笔交易已获双方董事会批准,预计将于2015年第一季度完成。消息发布后,Cerner公司股价上涨3%。Cerner公司称,该笔交易预计将使2015年每股收益增加15美分。

目前,Cerner公司是美国医院第四大电子病历供应商,约向9%的医院提供电子健康记录业务。而排在首位的是Epic系统公司(Epic Systems Corporation),约向19%的医院提供电子病历业务。


Cerner公司董事长兼CEO Neal Patterson称,对双方的客户、股东及员工来说,这是一笔双赢的交易。西门子的医疗IT资产所提供的额外规模、研发及深厚的客户基础、专业知识及经验,能够帮助Cerner实现在未来10年的计划。


西门子总部位于德国慕尼黑,其医疗保健业务在2013年中在公司四大业务中的利润率最高。西门子CEO Joe Kaeser已寻求拆分保健单元,使公司专注于“电气化、数字化和自动化”。

英文原文:Cerner to Buy Siemens Health Data Unit for $1.3 Billion

Cerner Corp. (CERN), an electronic medical records provider, said it would buy Siemens AG (SIE)’s health information technology unit for $1.3 billion.

The two companies plan a “strategic alliance” around medical devices, imaging and health-care technology, they said today in a statement. The purchase is expected to add 15 cents to earnings per share in 2015, Kansas City-based Cerner said.

Cerner is the fourth-leading supplier of electronic records systems to U.S. hospitals, according to Software Advice, an Austin, Texas, consulting firm. The Obama administration has paid doctors and hospitals about $25 billion to install the systems since 2011, trying to improve the efficiency and safety of health care. Siemens had been exploring the sale of its hospital information unit to focus on energy and industrial businesses, two people familiar with the plans told Bloomberg News last month.

“We believe this is an all-win situation for the clients of both organizations and all of our associates and shareholders,” Neal Patterson, Cerner’s chairman and chief executive officer, said in the statement.

The health-care division for Munich-based Siemens had the highest profit margin of the company’s four businesses in 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser has sought to spin off parts of the health unit and focus the rest of the company on “electrification, digitalization and automation.”

Microbiology Sale

Danaher Corp.’s Beckman Coulter last month agreed to buy Siemens’s clinical microbiology business in a deal expected to close in the first quarter of 2015. No terms were disclosed. Siemens divested eight businesses last year, the most of any European industrial company, according to Bloomberg Intelligence data.

Combined with Siemens’s health IT unit, Cerner said it expects annual sales of $4.5 billion, about $1.6 billion more than in 2013. Research and development expenditures will be about $650 million annually, Cerner said, about $311 million more than in 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Cerner said it will continue to support an electronic records system developed by Siemens for at least a decade. Under the strategic alliance, each company will contribute as much as $50 million over three years toward “projects of shared importance,” Cerner said.

The electronic health records business in the U.S. is led by closely held Epic Systems Corp. of Verona, Wisconsin, which supplies about 19 percent of hospitals and 20 percent of doctors’ offices that have declared themselves to be “meaningful users” of the systems, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services analyzed by Software Advice. Cerner supplies about 9 percent of U.S. hospitals.

To contact the reporter on this story: Alex Wayne in Washington at awayne3@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Reg Gale at rgale5@bloomberg.net Andrew Pollack, Ben Livesey
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