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诊断公司与药商合作 个性化癌症治疗新时代来临
来源:生物谷 发布者:管理员 时间:2015/3/13 16:42:00

2015年3月12日  安捷伦旗下公司丹麦丹科与日本小野药品株式会社合作共同开发一项配套用于小野药品株式会社和美国Bristol-Myers Squibb's公司的治疗非小细胞肺癌的药物Opdivo,以此来增强他们在诊断方面的合作伙伴关系并期望在这个领域得到更多的收益。

安捷伦主席Jacob Thaysen在一份声明中说:"能被小野药品选为合作伙伴开发配套使用的诊断技术我们非常高兴。今日的声明之前安捷伦-丹科的业务中已有急性其它的关于诊断方面的合作协议。"
Dako joins up with Ono to develop cancer companion Dx
Denmark's Dako is teaming up with Ono Pharmaceutical to develop a test for Ono and Bristol-Myers Squibb's ($BMY) drug for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Opdivo, adding to its tally of companion diagnostics partnerships and gaining more ground in the field.
Both sides are staying mum on financial details, but Dako, now owned by Agilent Technologies ($A), will help create a companion diagnostic test to identify which patients are a good fit for Ono and BMS' investigational cancer treatment. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and Opdivo, a PD-1 inhibitor, blocks a mechanism cancer cells use to escape detection by the body's immune system.
"We are pleased to be chosen as Ono's partner for the development of a companion diagnostic test for this promising drug. Today's announcement follows several other collaborative agreements in the companion diagnostics area by Agilent's Dako business," Jacob Thaysen, president of Agilent's Diagnostics and Genomics group, said in a statement. Dako has been on a companion diagnostics roll since Agilent scooped up the company in 2012 for $2.2 billion, inking deals to expand its market footprint. In January 2013, the company said it would join forces with Eli Lilly ($LLY) to develop tests for the drugmaker's pipeline cancer treatments.
Last year, Dako teamed up with Merck ($MRK) to create companion diagnostics for the company's oncology pipeline. Dako has also forged deals with pharma heavyweights Amgen ($AMGN), Pfizer ($PFE) and Roche ($RHHBY) to develop tests for new treatments.
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